Categories: News

New Text Formatting on WhatsApp – Bulleted Lists, Numbered Lists, Block Quote, Inline Code

WhatsApp New Features, New Text Formatting Available Now

Social Media Handles

Today, Mark Zuckerberg announced that we’re adding four new text formatting options to help people organize and craft their messages on WhatsApp. These help save time and help people communicate more effectively via their messages, especially in group chats.

Bulleted Lists WhatsApp

To help outline steps in a process, list ingredients in a recipe or call out main points of a message

To use, type the – symbol, followed by a space

WhatsApp New Features

Numbered Lists

To note a specific order of things such as instructions or recap of events

To use, type 1 or 2 digits followed by a period and one space

Block Quote

To help highlight key text and make it more noticeable in messages

To use, type the > symbol followed by a space

Inline Code to help distinguish specific information within a sentence

To use, wrap text with symbol

Text Formatting
WhatsApp New

These are in addition to Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, and Monospace formatting options that are already available to users. The new formatting options are now also available to all Android, iOS, Web, and Mac desktop users. Channel admins will also be able to use these options.
