Thozhil Vartha Online – Reading Kerala Jobs Through Mathrubhumi Thozhilvaartha

Thozhil Vartha Online Reading Details

Mathrubhumi Thozhil Vartha
Mathrubhumi Thozhil Vartha

Thozhil Vartha is the first malayalam dedicated employment paper in Malayalam and Its Reporting almost every employment opportunities in Kerala. Thozhil vaartha is publishing weekly and priced r.s 12 per copy. If you are a mathrubhoomi news paper reader you can ask ask your news agent for thozhilvaartha. this malayalam employment paper reporting all the available private and government jobs in kerala. job seekers of kerala are looking for kerala public service commission notifications, job opportunities, exam answers, solved papers etc for thozhilvaartha. if you are unable to subscribe thozhil vaartha with your newspaper agent can check it in local book shops.

Online reading

digital edition of mathrubhoomi thozhilvaartha can be subscribe through internet. is the website link for same. for a single issue the cost is just 12 r.s, you subscribe monthly and yearly. You can pay online and get subscriptions of thozhil vaartha. its a good idea to check each and every editions of this employment news paper. you will not miss any of the job vacancies around you. they are updating lot of news about kerala psc jobs. manorama is another popular daily publishing a malayalam employment paper named ” Thozhil veedhi “.

getting a good job is not so easy now, the very first part is find job vacancies. there are so many options to get alerted for good government and private jobs in kerala. publications like thozhil vartha, thozhil veedhi are helping job seekers. with the help of these publications we can easily find a better job in kerala.

Subscription charges of Mathrubhoomi Thozhil Vartha

Single Issue – R.S 12.00
3 months – R.S 155.00
6 months – R.S 310.00
12 months – R.S 507.00

Thozhil Vartha Online Subscription
Thozhil Vartha Online Subscription